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* 참고로 외국 인터넷 교육 자료를 보면 턴은 전 카운트의 "&"에 한다고,,,,


Rumba Spot Turns and Switch Turns (참조 자료)
Step Timing Movement Turn Notes
1 2 RF fwd (after turning 1/4 to L on preceding "&") in line with LF 1/4 to L, step RF, This is Switch Turn to Left.
Then turn 1/2 to end with RF in the back on "&" then 1/2 to L The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.
2 3 Transfer weight to LF   "3&", on "&": turn 1/4 to L
3 4 1 RF to side 1/4 to L over 3-5 At end of "1": turn to R.
4 2 LF fwd (after 1/4 to R) in line with RF, 1/4 to R, step LF, This is Switch Turn to Right.
then turn 1/2 to end with LF in the back then 1/2 to R The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.
5 3 Transfer weight to RF   on "&", turn 1/4 to R
6 4 1 LF to side 1/4 to R over 3-5  
Step Timing Movement Turn Notes
1 2 LF fwd (after turning 1/4 to R on preceding "&") in line with RF 1/4 to R, step LF, This is Switch Turn to Left (because Man is turning L)
Then turn 1/2 to R to end with LF in the back on "&" Then 1/2 to R on "&" End of preceding step on '&', full commit the weight on RF, pressure on LF, tail bone down; quick impulse, turn 1/4 to R. Pay attention to foot position, LF turned out, not turned in (sometimes due to over turning to R on this step.)
    Variation: this could be stepping to the side of the partner in CBM.
    Different from New York: Fully commit weight on front foot before doing the half turn to R. (Difference in lead compared to New York)
    Arm option: left hand on waist, or left arm wrap around the back. R arm can be held in front of chest. Hands should not have other extra unintended actions, go directly to waist, pure and simple (if that's the choice).
    On "&" after the turn, compress on left side. (Finishing with hips to the side, then, quick impulse, it will twist to move spine to RF in next step.)
    To achieve the effect of "quick impulse" - sudden action:
    - body turns more continuously at same speed,
    - head: do head spotting and fast changing head direction
    - leg/knee delays the turn a bit and then turn much faster and body and leg arrives at the final position at the same time.
2 3 Transfer weight on to RF   Coaches do it differently:
Some: before "3", there is a moment the R leg is bent, then straighten before stepping on floor.
Some: Keep R leg straight the whole time.
Hold this a bit longer and have weight fully transfer to RF (see Latin Technique Swivel Action) and make sure to finish the diagonal pendulum swing before doing twist on '&'.
On "&", quick impulse, twist, turn 1/4 to R (turn before stepping next step)
When turning to right, it's Right Side leading.
Styling: when moving forward, arms would go back (think of wind blowing at the arms.)
3 4 1 LF to side 1/4 to R over 3-5 "4": it's a side step (after the turning to face partner), do not make it a forward step, then turn.
At end of this step, work RF down to ground, develop the foot more.
For underarm turn, at the "&": twist L hip, pulling R hip through, R arm will close in front of face (to left side). Keep L shoulder fwd side leading.
4 2 RF fwd (after 1/4 to L) in line with LF, 1/4 to L, then 1/2 to L Switch Turn to Right (Man is turning to R)
Then turn 1/2 to L ending with RF in the back The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.
  When turning at the end of "2", body is not square, use Left Side Leading.
  If Lady's R arm is connected to Man, Lady will feel R arm closing window.
  Static body design: hands statically on hips while turning and extend arms to side on 41.
  More flexible and fluid design: When turning, L arm extend to the side and as body rotate, arm will warp in front of chest, R hand on hip or R arm wrap around the back.
  For Switch Turns, if Man is still hold Lady's R hand, Lady: Put LH on hip first, (end of previous beat) then raising L arm to side during "2", at beginning of count "3", L arm goes in front of chest. (and Man will be release hold to Lady's RH, Lady's R arm wrap around back.)
5 3 Transfer weight to LF   on "&", turn 1/4 to L
6 4 1 RF to side 1/4 to L over 3-5 When followed by underarm turn or Alemana, L arm will be straight out to the side.
* Spot Turns can be danced as Switch Turns. Start in Closed Position. No hold, or L to R or R to L hand hold.
* Turning action: could be a Forward Walk Turn action, or a brushing action where the free foot closes to standing foot, brush and then do a fwd walk.
* Spot Turns: 3 forward steps danced solo by Man and/or Lady, circling to L or R.
* Different from underarm turn, for spot turns,
a. count "2": lady turns about 1/8", diagonally "&" RF brush LF
b. count "3": lady turns about 1/4, RF fwd
if preferred, the ball of the foot may remain in place while turn is made around this foot.
c. count "4 1": finish turn to face partner
last step could be fwd or to side depending on distance between couple.
* Often, one partner is doing Spot Turn, while the other does Alternative Basic or Cuban Rock, or 3 steps of a Closed Basic.
* Spot Turn is a good ending for New York, Hand to Hand, Fencing and may other figures.
* Amount of Turns: complete turn, or 7/8 or 3/4, depending on starting and ending position: open PP, Open CPP, facing partner.
* Spot Turn or Switch to L (Lady to R) could end in Open Position, taking L to R hand hold at step 3, taking step 3 fwd leading Lady to step back.



순서이므로 원하시는 영상만 찾아 보시면 됩니다.

0:01 Hip-Hip Chin-Chin
03:05 The Matrix
06:43 Forest Bird
10:05 Angela Rumba (best dress ever!)
14:20 Zorro
18:32 Jive (polka dot dress)
22:42 Hip-Hip Chin-Chin (golden outfit)
26:33 Jive (Max in yellow suit)
29:50 Fire
31:58 Pirates Of The Carribean
35:59 Cha-Cha (green overalls)
38:17 Fire
41:54 In Competition
48:30 Winners Rumba
51:26 Hip-Hip Chin-Chin (golden outfit)
53:33 Spanish Fantasy
56:32 Jive (yellow outfits)
59:44 Hip-Hip Chin-Chin
01:02:47 Hip-Hip Chin-Chin
01:05:26 Sexy (Max & Beata)
01:06:43 Yellow (Max & Beata)
01:10:56 Chaplin (Max & Beata)
01:13:54 Mirage (Max & Beata)
01:18:25 Pump It Up (Max & Beata)
(links over 1 hour don't work)